Cuff Strap Sizing
Not quite sure what cuff strap size will fit your blades? Hopefully these images will help. Don't go by the size of you skate itself though. Make sure to carefully read the sizing pictures and measuring instructions below to find your size.
Cuff Strap Sizing Video
Just remember, not all rollerblades are the same. Most skates use a universal screw hole pattern of 2 screws 9/16 of an inch apart on the outside buckle of the skate and just 1 screw holding on the ratchet on the inside.
Some rollerblades like Factions or FR rollerblades have very short distances between the buckle and ratchet side. Especially with thinner liners. So its even more importrant that you don't go by the sizing of you skate. Instead, measure like it says in the sizing instructions image below.
Adapt Brutale skates are totally different. There is a separate section for them.
For the top strap on the USD Shadow skates, please email me for a custom strap.
In any case fell free to email me or Direct Message me on Instagram for any compatibility or sizing questions.
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